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Space for the Kids

Rita Date

Having your “own space” is important for children and this is more so in today’s India’s urban areas where outdoor areas and parks are limited or overcrowded. Children are spending more time indoors with video games, social networking sites and television. Creating a healthy and functional bedroom space is important. What’s more important than a memorable room? For a child, it’s a comfortable, workable space that grows smoothly along with him or her. Keeping the “fun” in “functional” can be a challenge, as every age group has its own needs. Think long term so that you need not break the bank; after all your child’s needs will change as he or she grows. For the first 10 years of life the most important accessory for children is you. They want to be around you and most likely will want to study in the dining room or play in the living area no matter how small just to be closer to you. How many times have you cleared your child’ toys and books from the dining table before meal time? As the child begins going to full time school, the idea of having their own room is exciting, they will need a space to keep their school things and to show their work to the world; it is a place where they can bring their friends and play. Involve your child in the design process and get valuable inputs.

The main considerations for designing your child’s room are:

1. Light – Natural and general lighting should be plenty in the room. Keep a lamp on the study table, and to encourage a reading habit keep wall lighting near the bed. Ensure that kids are able to put on and shut off the lights easily themselves. Even simple light pieces can transform a simple room into one that provides the right atmosphere for your child to read and play. Experiment and use lights to add glamour, style and drama.

2. Colour –Colour is important especially for younger children. Most pre-schools classrooms are painted with bright colours for a reason; it encourages happiness as well as creativity. As the children grow they may want more subtle or wilder colours. Redecorating by re-painting is economical and can give the room a whole new look.

3. Fashionable Fabrics –These are quick and inexpensive ways to add some punch to the room. How about some sequined fabric for curtains in your pre-teen’s bedroom? Many of these fabrics are sparkly, shiny and slinky. Just what the kids are looking for.

4. Furniture – The essentials pieces of furniture in a kids’ bedroom are a bed, cupboard, bookshelf and a study table. If your child is small then there are many options in beds available including theme beds as well as bunk beds. A correct sized writing table and chair are important. For the remaining furniture like cupboards and wardrobes, invest in sturdy furniture that will last for the years to come. They can be painted or polished when the kids outgrow a young childs’ room. If you have a space constraint, select furniture that serves a number of purposes, makes use of corners and has storage with corner cupboards. Interesting drawer knobs and handles are available or a carpenter can make the shape you would like such as stars, moons, balls and bats.

5. Flooring –Kids do many activities on the floor, such as art projects and playing games so do not fill the room with too much furniture; keep some floor space open for play. Laying down bright rugs or colourful bamboo chatais is an easy way to brighten the room

6. Window treatments – Easily available colourful and themed curtains are a wonderful way to dress up a room. Use stencils to make patterns on the windows. For older children blinds are an option.

7. Accessories–There is so much that can be done with accessories and knick-knacks. Actually every time you go shopping you are sure to find something new to include in the room. After you have decided on the color of the room, furniture, lights, window treatment and furniture, you are now ready to proceed to the next stage. Keep an area with a pin up board for the child to display his/her works of art. Pictures of their favorite characters, flags and maps would also add another facet to the room keeping with the rest of the décor. A chalk board or white board is also nice. You can select from a wide range of bed sheets, pillow covers, curtains and cushions including cartoon figures and designs such as cars and flowers.

8. Themes –Themed bedrooms are easily made with knick-knacks and accessories. Matching curtains and bedspreads are plenty in the market.

Elaborate theme bedrooms excite doting parents, but many times they are often too stagnant and limiting to a child’s own creativity.

Kids may ask for everything they see on TV or at a friend’s house, but many parents know the frustration of having the latest bought toys cast aside overnight in favor of pots and pans and a pair of wooden cooking spoons or some clay. The same case applies when you are furnishing a whole room for a child.

Designing a bedroom with your child is a great way to spend quality time with him or her. You focus on providing safe, sturdy furniture and play structures, easily accessible storage, and appealing colors and patterns. The kids will supply the dreams and imagination.

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